Yes - We figured out the problem.

Just to re-cap I replaced all wiring etc inside the car and I could not start the car - Even though most other things worked.

My issue was that the Wiring Harness I had purchased from one of the main vendors was made incorrectly. Long story short the rubber molded plug from the dashboard harness had the wires in the wrong place so when I plugged it into the harness under the hood they were not lining up properly. Another words - the red from the hood was not connecting to the red from the dash - it was connecting to a different color. It was only two of the wires which is why everything else worked. Personally this was a major mistake by the manufacturer.

They way to figure it out is to look at the wires in the dash harness and look where they plug into the harness under the hood. The colors should match up. Yellow from the engine plug should be connecting to Yellow from the Dashboard plug etc. We cut the rubber end off and wired in my old connector to the end of the harness.

Hopefully this isnt your issue - Good luck.