I have an on going self restoration of my 57 Ford Retractable. It has been an interesting, enjoyable, and challenging process with many do overs, trials, and learning along the way. At present I am stymied by not being able to get the front top lock down motor to work. I have followed the top manual trouble shooting process, reviewed the videos by Nick Kellen and nothing has solved the problem of the front motor not getting power? Any suggestions for possible pursuit in solving this problem would be appreciated.

I completely checked my old wiring harness that I removed when I started the restoration and re-taped it from top to bottom before reinstalling. I also have another duplicate and connected that one up to see if maybe there was a problem in the installed one that I missed but the same issue existed with either of the harnesses. I have readjusted switches, checked motor, did continuity on circuit breaker - I am out of theories and solutions???